Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pancakes in church and Doctor Who

Well. So. It's been a few days. Nothing really new. I have been playing e-mail/telephone tag with job possibilities in the west. Until we've got it in writing (thanks CM!) we're not going anywhere. Which means that Will's underwear freelancing job is done as of Monday, I've gone to Starbucks to pick up as much work as a barista that I can, and between the two of us, we'll fill in whatever gaps there are.

That's meant we haven't been the happiest two people lately. Cash is tight. It's just the two of us. We have no T.V. We haven't really made friends yet (as Will says,"It's hard when you're the temporary guy in the office"). So something needed to change. Friday night, as we were thinking about what we'd do if we were in Calgary at the beginning of the weekend, on a whim we Googled "pancakes in Brisbane". What we found was the most amazing 24/7 pancake place, housed in a church. NEAT! So this afternoon after hissy-fits and naps we happily trekked off to church. The pancakes were delicious and improved our mood considerably.
Next stop was an Aussie version of Chapters.  Borders has about four floors of music, dvd's and books (my favourite thing). While I dreamt of the books I couldn't yet purchase, Will took care of our lack of entertainment. Two dvd's of Dr.Who Season 3 in hand, we curled up in front of the laptop tonight much happier campers than when we started our day. 
The only thing missing oddly enough was our friend Dave who would totally appreciate Dr. Who even on a laptop (speaking of Dave, where the heck are you buddy? You've got us hooked on odd words of the day).
The long and short of it is we're coming up on a month here and we haven't killed each other yet (yay!) but we aren't living out our working dreams yet (boo!). We're not going to worry too much just yet.

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