Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Looks like we're heading north!

Well for all of the good vibes I was picking up upon our arrival in Brisbane, work has been far kinder to Will than it has been to me. Since Will's first interview last Tuesday he's picked up freelance work and had an interview with an engineering firm today that was more than willing to sponsor him to stay as an Australian resident. He's also had two phone calls from interested parties wanting his design and mechanical experience up in the Whitsunday's.  If you know Will then you know where his heart is telling him to go.  North - to the ocean, the sailboats and a slower pace of life.

That complicates things in that I had just survived round two of interviews with Starbucks and they were talking about bumping me up the management food chain (don't choke on your coffee Courtney dear)! I had a delightful conversation this morning with a District Manager named Charlie from the UK who was willing to offer me some great opportunities but I had to decline as it looks like we're pulling up stakes and heading north.
On the up-side I've got my computer working again. The bonus with Will getting freelance work is that he needed my computer to do some file conversions. After thinking about cost, shipping, software, etc., we sucked it up and split the cost of the new Mac OS. It just feels good to have my computer back, I was getting tired of sharing Will's little i-Book.
(Ha, I just found out that the freelance work Will has to do this week is for an underwear company)! Oh, and I went shopping at IGA today! Wonder of wonders, Sobey's hasn't managed to bring it's evil little take-over empire over to Australia yet. It's nice to know IGA still thrives somewhere!

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