Saturday, March 22, 2008

We Leave Tomorrow - Eeeek!

So, it's 11:32 p.m. on Good Friday.  We leave tomorrow.  We're still doing laundry, packing and re-packing our stuff.  I remember this feeling well.  Good news is, the bags are nearly all packed and we have a bit of room to spare.  One less thing to worry about.  Still, I doubt either Will or I will sleep tonight.

The going-away party at Jameson's last night was a riot.  Lots of friends providing lots of entertainment and lots of important things said to great people before we left.  Good Friday brought an early Easter get-together for Will's side of the family.  I think we have our bases covered now. 
Next stop - Sydney, Australia 9 a.m. on Monday, March 24!

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