Hello to every, and anyone, reading this blog.
This is the first of what should be a very long, and very interesting blog. The idea here is for friends, family, and any one interested in traveling to Australia to see what adventures, fortunes, pitfalls, and general shenanigans we get up to.
Neither myself (Will) or my traveling companion (Andrea - also girlfriend) have ever traveled to Australia. Andrea has done some traveling to Korea and area were she taught English for about 3 years. I have traveled across much of lower Canada, and been to many parts of the USA. I have also been sailing in the British Virgin Islands (Love it!).
This trip however is different for both of us. My self, I have never gone anywhere to live and work I new nothing about; let alone another country. Andrea has never done a major move were she didn't have a job and living space ready and waiting. So for both of us, this trip will prove most interesting and entertaining.
I wanted to post videos of our exploits, and do a sort of weekly podcast, but I have to put that on hold for now, as I just don't have the funds to purchase the equipment. I will be posting many photos.
So tag along for A Year in Australia (OZ).
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